Tuesday, September 30, 2008


If we are to believe Bloom (see handout), evaluation is the highest level of critical thinking.

I propose a simple question:

Who is the better writer, Faulkner or Hemingway?

You have joined a team of literary lawyers. You will need to divvy up the roles and responsibilities and present the following in class on Thursday:


  • Opening Statements: A list of grievances about the “other” writer. In fact, let’s model it (in our best legalize) after that famous list of grievances, The Declaration of Independence, and begin each objection with “Whereas…” If properly done, these should sting, be visceral and crisp. (5 minutes max, recommended one-two people.)
  • Argument #1: Explain, specifically relating to style, what makes your client a “better” writer. Explain what he does, read what he does, and explain why it works so well. (5 minutes max, recommended one-two people.)
  • Argument #2: Explain, specifically relating to style, what makes your opponents’ client a “worse” writer. Explain what he does, read what he does, and explain why it is not as effective as a style. (5 minutes max, recommended one-two people.)
  • Argument #3: Using a different example, explain, specifically relating to style, what makes your client a “better” writer. Explain what he does, read what he does, and explain why it works so well. (5 minutes max, recommended one-two people.)

Break for the Day, return Friday.

  • Counter Argument Team & Closing Arguments: You have the opportunity to refute the claims made against your client from the Opening Statements and Argument #2. In order to do this effectively, you will need to make predictions and take good notes for counter arguments. (5 minutes max, recommended two-three people.)

Please use this comment stream to post your work (after the debates)—you don’t want to show your hands before the arguments.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

College Essay Scoring Guide

Jay Defeo
Mirage 1989
oil on linen
16 x 20 inches
Estate no. E1232

50 points--Grammar, mechanics, typos, spelling, & usage. Remember, this is your only impression to show yourself through language. No matter the content of your essay, careless mistakes make you seem--well, careless. And you do not want the college admissions team to think you are apathetic. I expect you to make sure the essay is flawless. I would be happy to suggest how to phrase things grammatically better, but I should not be spending my time fixing your careless typos and spelling errors (and I won't).
  • 50 points--Writer demonstrates control of sentence structure, grammar and usage.
  • 40 points--Errors do not interfere with communication. There are few errors relative to length.
  • 30 points--Errors interfere with communication.

50 points--Insight and creativity, readability, and is your essay compelling? A note to remember your audience here and the purpose of your essay: All writers do this on some level--we consistently look at audience and purpose when we analyze writing. If you are using this to apply to college, keep in mind that the admissions officers are looking for intelligent and motivated students who will be successful at their school. Your essay should:

  • Be personal (instead of general)
  • Be concrete (instead of abstract--can you make your reader "see" your world?)
  • Include anecdote (instead of summary--this is not a resume)
  • Include a hook or lead
  • Have sophisticated and / or subtle organization
  • Show a sophisticated or subtle mastery of language


College Essay Guidelines

Jay De Feo 1958, one of my favorite painters, standing in front of her painting The Rose--a really amazing piece that you have to stand in front of to appreciate the intensity of it.

The prompts provided are often a starting point—it’s not really about which prompt you choose to answer, but HOW you use the topic to write an essay.

Remember Borges, “people tend to prefer the personal to the general, the concrete to the abstract”. You will notice that the questions are vague, repetitive, and general. You could almost adapt any good essay to fit a prompt.

Anyway, here are the common application prompts*

  • Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you.
  • Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you.
  • Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that influence.
  • Describe a character in fiction, a historical figure, or a creative work (as in art, music, science, etc.) that has had an influence on you, and describe that influence.
  • A range of academic interests, personal perspectives, and life experiences adds much to the educational mix. Given your personal background, describe an experience that illustrates what you would bring to the diversity in a college community, or an encounter that demonstrated the importance of diversity to you.
  • A prompt of your choice is another option. (See below)

I’m going to break into my I’m older than you persona now: “when I applied to college I actually had to write a separate essay for each school because each school had a question—oh, and life was (of course) harder back then—we suffered like you kids nowadays have no idea of….”(Kidding of course).

Also, we will be doing some creative writing and modeling in the next couple of weeks--many students often end up using these "experiments" as their "personal essays."

* https://www.commonapp.org/CommonApp/default.aspx

Agenda for week of 9.29.08

Focus: Tone, Style, and Diction

9.29.08: You should have 2/3 of your memoirs read, with post-it notes. We will be discussing the college essay in class.
9.30.08: No school. Rosh Hashanah.
10.1.08: Read "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place" by Ernest Hemingway & "Barn Burner" by William Faulkner. Both in anthology. Take notes on stories. Pay specific attention to, well--Tone, Style, and Diction. We will be having the Hemingway vs. Faulkner debates.
10.2.08: read pgs. 154 - 157 in anthology and do two-sided notes.
10.3.08: "Style" / Creative paper due. Details to follow. Will include meta-cognitive.

Image: Rope Swinger
Hans Hofmann
48 ¼ x 60¼"
Oil and Enamel on Canvas

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Setting Essay

here it is:

In a well-reasoned essay, explain how the setting is inextricably linked to the theme in Fay Weldon's "IND AFF".

Good luck. See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Peer Editing Assignment for Point of View

Below this post you will find two of your classmates essays--(thank you Jenny and Cynthia). What I would like you to do, by 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday September 24th is comment on and critique both these essays. The reasons I picked these two were because I thought they were quite good (so you have something to compliment them on to start off with,) but neither of these essays received a 9 (so you can offer some advice on what may have made the papers better.) They are also about the same story, and deal with stream-of-consciousness, but attacked the prompt with two different strategies.

Image from Jess (Collins)--one of my favorite artists.

This is worth 20 "Homework Points".

You will be graded on the depth and originality (not said before you in the comment stream) of your response to the following:

  • Begin with what you saw as a strength in the essay--what was good?
  • Show where the essay could have been improved.
  • End with how the essay enhanced or changed your perception or thinking on any topic--(I know this is vague--run with it).

Your responses should be as specific as possible--cut and paste the words from the essay if you need to. You can comment on anything from the analysis to how the evidence is integrated to sentence style and structure to typos to diction to philosophical elaboration to anything that writers must consider that I have left out. Remember to carefully phrase your responses in a way that you would want to receive (because you will be here soon.)

Peace. (And keep it unfeigned.)

"Miss Brill" Point of View Essay # 1

by Jenny L

Set on a “brilliantly fine” day, readers witness the isolation of Miss Brill from her society as she struggles to play a recognizable role in it, despite a seemingly inviting environment. Katherine Mansfield’s short story of an old lady, Miss Brill, characterizes the feeling of isolation and rejection from society. Mansfield employs the use of a stream of consciousness point of view in order to exemplify the brutality of being in isolation and alienation through a relatable Miss Brill as she is confined to her own thoughts and secluded from any outside interactions. Told in such a point of view, Mansfield enhances the feelings of seclusion by allowing readers to only see, feel and hear through the thoughts of a lonely woman.

As Mansfield leads readers on a journey though the thoughts of the aged Miss Brill, her struggles to separate herself from brutal reality and a self deceiving idealism, is evident. In her evasion, she lives in her own thoughts where she shields herself from the harshness of her disconnection from society. Through her detailed recollections of the visitors in the park, her keen attention to the couples that appear, and the capacity in which her imagination takes in order to create company for her misery, it is seen that the feeling of being alone is so powerfully upsetting, that one must struggle to avoid it. Throughout the short story Miss Brill shares no physical dialogue with any of the appearing characters despite the numerous people that walks past. Miss Brill’s monologue continues as she deceives herself into believing “how fascinating it was” and “how she enjoyed it” while in reality, her loneliness is manifesting within herself. Through the use of a stream of consciousness narrative, Mansfield is able to allow readers to pry into the private thoughts of a suffering yet, proud old woman who refuses to accept her solitary state. She refuses to be defeated, and in her resistance she leads herself to self deception.

However, despite being in a “play” that “even she had a part [that] came every Sunday” the performance nonetheless must come to an end. With an “old couple”, “two young girls in red” and “two young soldiers in blue” Miss Brill cannot escape reality as she is forced to face the fact that she is alone. She, among all the “twos” and the “couples”, sits on the bench, behind a mask of thoughts struggling to blind herself from the truth. She wants to be included, play a part, be someone but it is only within her thoughts that she is. The way in which she wants reality to be is, unfortunately not her reality. Although Mansfield places Miss Brill in a fall setting “with a number of people out” and a “band [that] sounded louder and gayer”, where possibilities seem ever present, she never fully allows her to break out of her isolation and interact with others. The confinement to her thoughts disallows her any opportunity of communications with others. It is through this stream of Miss Brill’s thoughts that readers are able to truly emphasize with her and understand the cruelty of living in such a crowded world and yet feel so alone. In many ways, the point of view of Mansfield short story is to help place emphasis on one’s separation from society and the consequences its victims must face. Though the cause of Miss Brill’s loneliness is not revealed through her thoughts, she does expose that “yes, [she has] been an actress for a long time” and in that period she has been in denial of being just like the people who all appear to be “odd, silent, nearly all old, and from the way they’d stared they look as thought they’d just come from dark little rooms or even—even cupboards.” Her thoughts, no matter how much they try to deflect reality, is interrupted as a young couple, ironically deemed as “the hero and heroine”, brings her daydream to a halt. They insensitively push her back into her “cupboard”, asking “Why doesn’t she keep her silly old mug at home?”

As Mansfield’s short story of an old woman’s struggle to stay within the acceptance and inclusion of society comes to an end, it is evident that Miss Brill’s stream of thoughts which helps her to create that fantasy must come to an end as well. In the flow of ideas, one after another, in which she pretends to live a life in which she is not alone, in which she is with the old couple sitting on the bench, or the band playing lively music, it is evident that Miss Brill holds hopes of finding companionship. However this false allusion to reality is destroyed as her thoughts come to a halt. Miss Brill realizes that she is in fact alone. Mansfield captures the feeling of loneliness through Miss Brill, creating a character that expresses a feeling that everyone experiences and is able to use a point of view that constantly hints at the impact of such a feeling as it leaves one with constant thoughts of how to evade such a terrible fate.

"Miss Brill" Point of View Essay # 2

by Cynthia R.

Written by Katherine Mansfield, “Miss Brill” is a short story in which the narrator is a nonparticipant who sees into the mind of the major character. The narrator writes through a stream of consciousness point of view in order for the audience to see into the mind of Miss Brill as the story shows how lonely she is in the fake world she has created for herself. Mansfield uses techniques such as interruption, exclamation points, and segments that flow in order to show the way Miss Brill’s mind works and ultimately to convey the point that Miss Brill is lonely no matter how much she tries to fit in.

Beginning with the very first sentence in the text, it is clear that the short story is filled with interruption which is used to show how Miss Brill’s mind works. Through the use of dashes, the narrator inserts bits of information that add to the story and show what Miss Brill is thinking about on a particular subject. When talking about Miss Brill at the park, the narrator says that, “when she breathed, something light and sad- no, not sad, exactly-something gentle seemed to move into her bosom.” The use of interruption shows how the mind works, particularly Miss Brill’s mind when contemplating her true emotions. Not only does this passage show how Miss Brill is beginning to feel but it also foreshadows more sadness that comes later in the story. When the narrator is describing the band, he says, “that what they played was warm, sunny, yet there was just a faint chill- a something, what was it?- not sadness- no, not sadness, a something that made you want to sing.” Even though Miss Brill is surrounded with people and music, lingering behind all of that is something that keeps her from being completely content. As the members of the company gather to sing, it is clear that Miss Brill is very emotional as the narrator says, “Yes, we understand, we understand, she thought- though what they understood she didn’t know.” Miss Brill wanted to fit in with the crowd and to be accepted by them but where they really accepting her, or were they just understanding her desire to not feel lonely but to feel connected to them?

Another technique used to convey Miss Brill’s inner thoughts is the use of exclamation points and question marks. Most often than not, when there symbols are used, they signify a thought on Miss Brill’s part. A perfect example of this is when Miss Brill is looking at the band and thinks, “Wasn’t the conductor wearing a new coat, too?” In this passage and in many others, Miss Brill pays close attention to what the other people in the park are wearing. She mainly criticizes others with an air of arrogance as if she were better than most of them. Towards the end of the story, however, the reader finds out that Miss Brill is far from the wealthy upper-class woman she either portrays or would like to be. While sitting and people-watching in the park, Miss Brill looks at some people and feels that they are,” odd, silent, nearly all old, and from the way they stared they looked as though they’d just some from dark little rooms or even- even cupboards!” This passage is interesting for a couple of reasons. First, Miss Brill criticizes others for looking old when later on in the text, she is referred to as a “silly old thing” with an “old mug”. Second, Miss Brill looks down upon the possible living conditions of the other people in the park when in the end she goes home to “ a little dark room- her room like a cupboard.” Third, the exclamation point is symbolic of the way the human mind works; sometimes one searches for the right word when suddenly it comes to mind like a light bulb going off.

The flow of the words in the text also help show stream of consciousness as the narrator tries to convey Miss Brill’s thoughts and as the author tries to demonstrate how Miss Brill could be lonely while being surrounded by people in the park. One example of this flow is when Miss Brill is watching a couple in the park and the narrator says, “Oh she (the young lady) was pleased to see him-delighted! She rather thought they were going to meet that afternoon. She described where she’d been- everywhere, here, there, along by the sea. They day was so charming- didn’t he agree?” Not only does the text rhyme, but it also has a soft and tranquil flow; like that which a person in love might feel. As Miss Brill continues to watch the people in the park, her thoughts are expressed as the narrator writes, “Oh, how fascinating it was! How she enjoyed it! How she enjoyed sitting here watching it all!” In the first quote, the reader can feel that tranquil feeling Miss Brill gets as she watched the two lovers and in the second quote the audience can sense Miss Brill’s excitement to be people-watching. More important than showing her feelings, these two passages symbolize how needy and lonely Miss Brill truly is. She gets her pleasure not from talking to others but simply from watching them, which alludes to her loneliness. The fact that she criticizes some of them shows that she feels (or wants to feel) in the same place as the wealthier and more upper class people in the park.

In conclusion, Mansfield’s narrator uses stream of consciousness to let the audience in on Miss Brill’s inner thoughts. Mansfield uses interruption, questions, exclamations, and a different types of flow to show how Miss Brill’s mind works and ultimately to demonstrate how lonely and needy she is. In the last sentence of the story, Mansfield writes, “But when she put the lid on she thought she heard something crying.” This line demonstrates not only that Miss Brill finally understands that she is lonely but that she is finally accepting it and will stop trying to portray someone she is not. Ultimately, this alludes to a bigger idea that sometimes people have a need to feel connected to and accepted in society, only to realize that they may not be and having to face it.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Agenda for week of 9.22.08

Focus: Setting

9.22.08: Your papers on characterization are due. Also, the first 1/3 of your memoirs are to be read and "post-it noted".
9.23.08: SLD on Ernest Hemingway's "Hills Like White Elephants" & Judith Ortiz Cofer's "Not for Sale". (Please note the change in the syllabus.)
9.24.08: Read "Greasy Lake" by T.C. Boyle (anthology). Complete 2-column notes on "setting" from anthology & packet. Blog entry on "critiquing peer work" due by end of day.
9.25.08: Setting Paper due.
9.26.08: Do to the unfortunate nature of rotation, this class will not meet.

Over the weekend, you will want to immerse yourself in your independent reading books and begin thinking about yourself in terms of the short memoir. You will need to be complete 2/3 of your memoir by the 29th.
Image: Philip Guston, The Line, 1978 oil on canvas. Private Collection. Courtesy of McKee Gallery, New York

Friday, September 19, 2008

Essay #2 – Characterization

In case you need it, here's the assignment:

Your job here is to write a short (2-3 pages typed 1.5 space) assertive essay in which you explain how the author develops characterization to create meaning and support his/her purpose in one of the two short stories that you read, “The Red Carpet” or “Everyday Use.”

Here’s what you have to do:
  1. First, you have to really think about what the story is about. What idea does it communicate? What is the author’s purpose in writing this story?
  2. Then, think about how the characterization helps to create that meaning. How does the author use it? Find specific examples in the text that demonstrate this.
  3. Your thesis statement must be specific and argumentative. You must come up with an idea of HOW it is used and WHAT it is being used for. What is the effect of the particular approaches to characterization the author has chosen?
  4. Draft some ideas. It’s not a five paragraph essay per se, but it should have an introduction with thesis, supporting body paragraphs and a conclusion.
  5. Leave your ideas alone for a while. Then go back, revaluate them, and rewrite.

Try not to spend more than 2 hours on the actual writing. You can spend as much time as you want on the thinking!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

"The Red Carpet" by Lavanya Sankaran Discussion

In class, we will obviously be looking at how the author uses characterization in the story. But before class, I'd like to know how you feel about any of these characters. You should present your thoughts in writing and make specific reference(s) to the text. I'm looking for depth in your engagement with both the text and each other. So, the first couple of you who post will probably have to post again so you can respond to someone else.

This is a 20 point homework assignment.
  1. Post your reaction to a character (though this is not a minimum, your post should be at least a couple hundred words.) Feel free to ask questions in this section as well, since everyone will be reading these posts.
  2. You should respond by elaborating on another comment in the stream (about the same length--a couple hundred words as a minimum.)
Here's my thoughts behind the assignment: I find this story interesting on so many levels--I have strong and conflicting feelings about characters and how this may be viewed in a cultural context. I hope the story draws the same engagement from all of you and you "go with it." Unfortunately, we will only be spending one class period discussing this story, so we are going to have to use our time wisely. Talking about what "the author is doing" will be for class--but I don't want to leave this other aspect of the discussion behind--because I value it.

Images from: Resounding Ragas: Paintings and Musical Memory in India shown at the MFA in Boston from Tuesday, July 3, 2007 - Sunday, April 13, 2008 click here for description--(it was a great collection)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Agenda for week of 9.15.08

Hello Bloggers.
The agenda for the week is as follows:

9.15.08: Point of View Paper due.
9.16.08: Read 67-70 on characterization and do two-sided notes. Also bring in memoir that you will be reading for class. You should be caught up in building and posting past work on your blog.
9.17.08: Do to the unfortunate nature of Rotation, this class will not meet.
9.18.08: Read "The Red Carpet" by Lavanya Sankaran and prepare for SLD. Please note the switch on the syllabus. I think this story will serve our purposes better and I find it quite interesting. I will send you a copy by email or hand you a hard copy. You will have an initial SLD on the blog, which will be due by class-time.
9.19.08: Be ready for first "tone vocabulary row"--we will only devote 15 minutes, so be prepared. Also read "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker and prepare for SLD.

Image: After Hans Holbein. 1993
Encaustic on canvas
32 9/16 x 25 5/8" (82.7 x 65.1 cm)
Private collection
© 1996 Jasper Johns/Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Independent Reading Project: Memoirs

My biggest goal this year (since it is your senior year) is to transition you to life beyond high school--in other words, to make myself unnecessary in your life (in less than ten months.) So, I must hand over much of the responsibility of the class to you. In addition to what we study as "whole class texts," you will also be reading books in literature circles as well as independently this year. Our first "unit" (obviously with the college essay in mind) will cover memoirs--and I left a few choice first person narratives on the list because they achieve similar effects that we will be looking into. As you choose a book, you may also want to start to consider what "topic" you are interested in, because we will develop reading plans for ourselves after this first memoir.

Here's a short list of suggestions, but it is up to you to do the research on the books and make sure they fit your criteria. My criteria is that they should be at least 250 pages long (we can fill in the gaps with supplements if need be.)

Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi
Chasing Ghosts by Paul Rieckhoff
Chronicles by Bob Dylan
Lipstick Jihad by Azadeh Moaveni
Furthering My Education by William Corbett
Kafir Boy by Mark Mathabane
Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson
Dead Man Walking by Sister Helen Prejean
Gray's Anatomy by Spalding Gray
Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim by David Sedaris
When I Was Cool by Sam Kashner
The Autobiography of Malcolm X (as told to Alex Haley)
The Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela
Speak, Memory by Vladimir Nabokov

This is also (obviously) an election year and both major party candidates happen to have compelling memoirs.

And some other first person narratives that may be good to have under your belt for the AP Exam:

Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest Gaines
On the Road by Jack Kerouac (or any number of his novels)
Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
Nadja by Andre Breton
Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut
Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving
Native Son by Richard Wright

and the list goes on...I think I'll add Ms. Pettit's and Ms. Musilli's suggestions to the comment stream when they come in. Any of you can feel free to add a book and explain it a bit in the comment stream.

You will need a copy of the book you choose on Tuesday in class. Please plan accordingly.

Image is Three Studies for a Self-Portrait (1980) by Francis Bacon (the 20th century painter, not the Renaissance thinker) It is expected to reach £5.5m at auction.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Please fill your Binder...

with the following materials: (click this link) and bring to class on Wednesday. I am archiving everything that you need, so please make sure you have printed them out and are caught up.

This is a new "up-and-coming" painter and I am quite enamored with her work: Her name is Jessica Hess. The title of the Painting is "Paris."

A Couple of things to note:
1. I created labels for each post, so you can, for example, click on the AP Materials label and access everything that should be in your binder. (It is also on the right side-bar.)
2. Some of you have already "signed up" to "follow" my blog, which will send you an email alert every time I make a post.

Peace, people.

APE Rubric

Read this document on Scribd: APE Rubric

Passage Explication Assignment

Read this document on Scribd: passage explication assignment

The Ladder of Interpretation

Read this document on Scribd: The Ladder of Interpretation

How to Read in Multiple Drafts

Read this document on Scribd: How to Read in Multiple Drafts

Saturday, September 6, 2008

My portrait of Dre

Hope your homework is going well. Feel free to use the comment stream to ask each other questions, react to anything, etc... as long as, of course, you are appropriate. Use it for clarification or intellectual dialogue--or don't: I insist on your freedom.
Image is ink and graphite on paper.

Friday, September 5, 2008

More introductions, some basic blogging etiquette

Hello Bloggers.

1. Post a comment about something from your notes that someone said in class that struck you as interesting. It helps to start with something like: “Dear (blank), I was interested in your comments on (blank).” Then you may want to quote something he or she said and continue the idea, or ask a specific question, or move on to a related topic. Intellectual dialogue is the key here.

2. Look for the comment directed at you and respond.

Three "Blue and Gold" Rules:

1. Compose your comments in Word and paste in when you are complete. If the internet crashes while you are composing, you will lose all your work.

2. Sarcasm is basically impossible to pull off in this forum. Keep all dialogue professional, courteous, and appropriate. This is a virtual classroom and once you post your comments, there is a record of them. This is the reality of the world you live in and you may as well learn how to perform in it.

3. Do not use your last name. (You do not want a literary stalker.) This site is publicly viewable. Simply write your first name.

Photo of Salvador Dali with rhino mustache tied with flowers. He claimed that he wore his mustache this way because it pointed towards God.

Welcome to Blogland, Bloggers.

We have limited time here in blogland today, people, so let's use the time effectively. You should already have a google account from the summer work, so I would like you to sign in and change your "display name" to your first name. When everyone is set up, I will briefly show you all some of the steps in building your own blog. You may spend the whole rest of this period "personalizing" your blog if you want. By the time I see you on Tuesday, however, I would like you to post your summer work--(the paper and blog entries specifically, though if you can figure out how to post your notes, you are more than welcome.) This will be an on/going portfolio of your work for the year and you should post any work you do for my class on this blog. (I also suggest you post work from other classes on this blog, but this is your choice--you can use the label bar at the bottom to separate your subjects.)

Agenda for September 8-12, 2008:

Focus: Point of View

9.08.08: Do to the unfortunate nature of rotation, this class will not meet.
9.09.08: Read "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner and take notes for Student Led Discussion (SLD). (This will be the last ungraded SLD and we will "debrief" on process at the end of class.)
9.10.08: The first half the class will be devoted to finishing discussion. The second half of the class will be on strategies for close readings of passages and thesis statement work.
9.11.08: Read "Miss Brill" by Katherine Mansfield and take notes for SLD. (I will not talk this class.)
9.12.08: Blog/Homework: Post a summation of an "insight" that someone had during the class discussions (from your notes) and expand on it. The first part of the class will cover Paper Assignment #1 and Scoring Guide and tie up any loose ends. After lunch we will cover the first independent reading project on memoir: yes, I am setting you up for your college essays. Your paper will be due on Monday.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Summer Reading...

quiz is tomorrow. Review your books--pretty straight forward, but will take the whole period.

Please bring in your summer reading books--I will give you new ones.
Peace, bloggies.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

"The Syllabus" 2008-2009

Read this document on Scribd: Ryan Gallagher's AP Syllabus 2008-2009

Please print out a copy, place in your binder, and bring to class tomorrow. Peace.

AP Packet # 1

Read this document on Scribd: AP Binder packet # 1

Please print this packet and put it in your binder for tomorrow.